
April 26, 2011

Wild cats are just adorable!

I think wild cats like lions, bobcats, jaguars, and cheetahs are adorable when they are sleeping, and playing.  I saw these pictures and I wanted to show all of you.

I love all of these pictures. I hope you do too!


Christine said...

They are so cute. There is a large feline rescue center near here that has all those sorts of cats. It is amazing to see how much they really are just like your average house cat...only they can EAT you! Big kitties!

Fallon Shay said...

Christine! It’s so good to hear from you! I’d love to have a rescue near my house. It would be so amazing to see these big kitties in real life! I have seen one bobcat that lives around my house. He’s small like a house cat with pointed ears…he is so cute and I hope to get a picture of him someday.