
April 29, 2011

Mr. Sylvester poses for the camera

Sylvester is sitting like a king… (I believe he is one)… he looks so prrrrrrrrrefect  I wanted to share these pictures with all of you!

          I think he is a cute king!

         This is Sylvester getting his spa treatment.

April 26, 2011

Wild cats are just adorable!

I think wild cats like lions, bobcats, jaguars, and cheetahs are adorable when they are sleeping, and playing.  I saw these pictures and I wanted to show all of you.

I love all of these pictures. I hope you do too!

April 13, 2011

Wheat, Gluten, and Dairy Free Day

Yesterday my mom and I had a Wheat, Gluten, and Dairy Free Day! We made pumpkin bread and chocolate fudge, cinnamon, and banana parfait.

All you need is wheat free and gluten free baking mix, some bananas, and two eggs.

All you need for the parfaits is two jell-o putting boxes one banana cream and the other one chocolate fudge, almond milk, one banana and cinnamon.

April 07, 2011

Sylvester loves the out doors

Look at Sylvester he is outside, playing in the woods I cannot believe it!!! I think he’s soooo adorable. Sylvester is a mountain cat after all.

Sylvester will always be my mountain kitty. He will always climb trees, sit in the sun, and be adorable. 

April 04, 2011

Spring is here!

I was taking a hike yesterday and I saw these wildflowers so I picked them for my mom. My mom says they are soooo lovely, I think so too.

                    I think the pruple is pretty. I love the sweet smell of lavender.

         The daffodils are out and they look wonderful.
         I'm soooooooooo glad spring is here!!!