
July 30, 2010


My favorite color is purple.

Old Dollhouse

This dollhouse was my great Grandma’s. I’m not sure how old it is but my mom and her mom used to play with it when they were little. It looks like the lights used to really work when it was first built. It has a lot of old furniture and things. My aunt put in new wallpaper and carpet and my Grandpa fixed some of the broken pickets on the fence. It was shipped out from New York to California a long time ago.

July 16, 2010

Vampires ~ I get My Own Book~

For those of you who don’t know, my mom is a writer. She writes novels. Well the other day I asked her to write a book just for me. When I told her I wanted it to have vampires in it she rolled her eyes and then said she would!!! I have the coolest mom!

So I thought as she writes the story I’d post it here. I’m not quite sure how I’ll do that…maybe add another tab just for the book and post it by chapters. Anyway, if you need a vampire fix keep checking back in.

Here is my all time favorite Vamp series, Moonlight

July 14, 2010

!!!Kool-Aid Play Dough!!!

I love play dough. I've been making it with my mom forever. I put a little glitter in this batch and used cherry flavor (though tropical fruit punch is my favorite) Kool-Aid. It smells sooooo good.

This is a super easy recipe and it only takes about 15 minutes to make.

Here is the recipe:
2 cups flour
1 cup salt
4 teaspoons cream of tartar
2 tablespoons cooking oil
2 cups water (boiling hot water) may use a little more or a little less.
One packet of your favorite Kool-Aid

Combine flour, salt, cream of tartar, and Kool-Aid. You can also add glitter if you want.

Stir in hot water and oil slowly...

Stirring until dough starts to form a ball...

Scoop it out onto table and knead for a few minutes. It may be a little warm so let it cool if it is.

Have fun!

July 12, 2010

"I'm Yours" Jason Mraz

I like this song! I've been singing it all's stuck in my head. Watch it and maybe it will get stuck in yours …I’d like it if you were singing it too ;o)

July 03, 2010

Drying Herbs

It’s time to dry herbs. We dry them right before they bloom. The picture is of some oregano (it is sooo good in spaghetti sauce…pizza sauce too). We will be drying basil, thyme, chives, and some catnip. We stuff the catnip in old socks and the cats love to play with it.