I really like it! Thank you Aunt Pat!
My school is looking for a motto. The students get to submit mottos.
Our mascot is a blue Dragon reading a book and our school is called Hearthstone.

Here are five mottos I’ve come up with. Which ones do you like best? Look to the right of this post and you can vote on your favorite motto.
1. Our school is our cave
School work is what we crave
2. Dragons are cool with school
3. Hearthstone is where we dwell
And we learn very well
4. We are cool with school
5. Dragons want knowledge
so they go to college
Great mottos!
how about "Dragons are smart, they follow their heart!"
:) My mom thought of that one!
"School is our passion, get good grades, stop slacking!" :)
Those are great! I think you need to send them in to Hearthstone!
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