
July 15, 2011

Potted Plants

I have soooo many potted plants around my yard. I hope you enjoy these pictures. I hope everyone is having a great summer!

July 04, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!!

Happy 4th of July!!!

It's the 4th of July.

    I just wanted to say " Happy 4th of July to everyone!!!"

June 16, 2011

Tea Tree

I think Tea Tree is a very pretty pink plant.  It’s a big plant in my yard, which has a bird house next to it.

June 15, 2011

Reno again!!!

 I went to Reno again and had a blast!! I stayed in an awesome hotel that had a big arcade! I ate at buffets till I was full. I went to some great stores and I saw some cool things in parking lots.  

This is the paint on the ceiling of the hotel I stayed in.

This is one of the cool things I saw.

This is a cool thing I saw. It’s a big fish made out of tiny fish.

June 14, 2011

Roses in my yard

I  am sooooo glad that summer is here! I am very happy that all of my roses have bloomed. I love roses and one of my friend’s names is Rose!!! I hope that you like these photos I took!

                                   My favorite photo is this one.

May 23, 2011

Humming Bird

The other day I walked into my garage when I saw a humming bird in the window.

This is the humming bird in my hands.

May 13, 2011

Sylvester & the Avocado Tree

Sylvester likes to drink from my avocado tree's water.

Mr Sylvester new I was looking at him, he did not mind.

                                                       Here he is getting a drink.

May 06, 2011

Bobcat Perches On A Cactus

These photos were taken in Gold Canyon, AZ, near the foot of the Superstition Mountains. I think this bobcat is sooo cute! I looks like his feet might be sore!

The bobcat was trying to get away from a mountain lion that was stalking it

April 29, 2011

Mr. Sylvester poses for the camera

Sylvester is sitting like a king… (I believe he is one)… he looks so prrrrrrrrrefect  I wanted to share these pictures with all of you!

          I think he is a cute king!

         This is Sylvester getting his spa treatment.

April 26, 2011

Wild cats are just adorable!

I think wild cats like lions, bobcats, jaguars, and cheetahs are adorable when they are sleeping, and playing.  I saw these pictures and I wanted to show all of you.

I love all of these pictures. I hope you do too!